Pedal Tractors
Pedal Tractors, Pedal Tractor Wagons and All Terrain Tricycles
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Click on any toy for further product info or to add to shopping cart.
#16513 Allis Chalmers 7060 Wide Front Pedal Tractor $ 325.00
#16410 Allis Chalmers 7080 Wide Front Pedal Tractor, Limited Edition $ 440.00
#ZSM1626 International Hydro 100 Wide Front Pedal Tractor $ 445.00
#44340 Farmall 230 Narrow Front Pedal Tractor $ 385.00
#44337 Case-IH "Seein' Red" Pulling Pedal Tractor $ 425.00
#44214 Farmall C White Demonstrator Pedal Tractor, Farmall 100th Anniversary Limited Edition $ 435.00
#45956 John Deere 8R 340 Pedal Tractor with Rear Duals $ 379.95
#45752 John Deere 8R 370 Pedal Tractor with Front & Rear Duals - Limited Edition $ 584.00
#45827 John Deere 4440 Pedal Tractor $ 324.95
#45720 John Deere 8R 410 Pedal Tractor $ 349.95
#12994 Black Pedal Tractor Wagon $ 61.50
#15966 John Deere Pedal Tractor Wagon $ 65.95